


Welcome to AdaDoc home page

AdaDoc is a tool for developers using the Ada95 programming language. Its goal is to create a documentation in different formats from a specification package. Currently support for HTML, LaTeX, Texinfo and Stronghelp formats is available.

AdaDoc is under the GPL licence.

AdaDoc was originally developed by students of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland.


AdaDoc development has restarted after a period of inactivity lasting almost four years. Look for an incremental 2.1.1 release in a couple of months. The incremental release will use modern tools/libraries to build AdaDoc and, hopefully, fix a few bugs as well. However, no significant new features are planned for 2.1.1.

After the 2.1.1 release, work will begin on supporting Ada 2005 features in AdaDoc.


AdaDoc 2.1 is out! It includes new modules to generate documentations in Texinfo and Stronghelp formats, thanks to Bent Bracke and Stephane Riviere. Download it at Sourceforge.


AdaDoc 2.02 is out! It will now compile with XmlAda 1.0. Download it at Sourceforge.


AdaDoc 2.01 is out! Download it at Sourceforge.


AdaDoc 2 is out! Download it at Sourceforge.

Have a look at AdaDoc's technical documentation generate by itself!

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